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  • Airport Airport ,03071 Aeropuerto de Alicante, Spain
  • Railway station Railway station, Avenida de Salamanca, 1
  • Bus station Estacion de Autobuses de Alicante
  • Office Alicante Alicante
  • Bus station Estación de Autobuses de Valencia
  • Airport Carretera del Aeropuerto, s/n, 46940 Manises, Valencia
  • Railway station Valencia Nord
  • Benidorm Benidorm
  • Denia Denia
  • Calpe Calpe
  • Torrevieja Торревьеха
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Rent a car in Malaga: tips for a bright trip


Malaga is a friendly tourist city, where the sun shines all year round, and the sea pleases with crystal clearness. The second largest city of Andalusia is replete with sights and places with incredible color.

As you know, rest can be of two types: active and serene. In the birthplace of the genius of Picasso, these two “parallels” intersect. To combine the replenishment of cultural baggage with a carefree neyy on a sunny beach will help to rent a car in Malaga.

What are the conditions for renting a car?

To get unlimited freedom of movement on four wheels, you need to provide our company:

  • – driver’s license;
  • – international passport;
  • – a credit card;
  • – air ticket;
  • – address of residence in Spain;
  • – Mobile phone number;
  • – a confirmation of the availability of driving experience for at least 1 year.

What you need to know before you get behind the wheel

Every year more and more of our compatriots prefer car hire in Malaga, as a way to stay longer in noteworthy places on the southern coast of Spain. However, before you start an unforgettable trip to the Costa del Sol resort area, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • – The maximum permissible speed in settlements is 50 km / h.
  • – Most parking in Spain – paid. The cost depends on the time of day, day of the week, etc.
  • – Lock the doors and trunk during driving.
  • – Children should be seated in the car seat, and all passengers must be fastened.
  • There are many toll roads and tunnels in the country.

What are the traffic penalties?

The difference between the size of fines in Spain and Russia is enormous. On the roads, automatic radars are installed everywhere, which will record any violation by the driver of the traffic rules. So, a few examples for educating vigilance:

  • – For ejection of garbage from the car window you will have to pay 200 euros, a butt – 90 euros.
  • Parking on the sidewalks, as well as at borders, painted in yellow and blue colors, will cost 200 euros.
  • – For a conversation on the phone while driving, the driver will be charged 300 euros.
  • – Riding with seat belts is punishable by a penalty of 500 euros.
  • Drunk driving threatens with criminal liability and loss of a round sum in the region of 1000 euros.

Rent a car in Malaga – the event is tempting. To make the trip bright and effective, make a list of interesting places in the center and in the surrounding area in advance, and you can easily book a car through our website. Have a nice rest!

  • 05.12.2018
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