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  • Airport Airport ,03071 Aeropuerto de Alicante, Spain
  • Railway station Railway station, Avenida de Salamanca, 1
  • Bus station Estacion de Autobuses de Alicante
  • Office Alicante Alicante
  • Bus station Estación de Autobuses de Valencia
  • Airport Carretera del Aeropuerto, s/n, 46940 Manises, Valencia
  • Railway station Valencia Nord
  • Benidorm Benidorm
  • Denia Denia
  • Calpe Calpe
  • Torrevieja Торревьеха
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I’m afraid to rent a car in a foreign country!


This phrase is very common among our compatriots, while representatives of other countries without this service simply cannot do without.

Why are people afraid to rent a car? Dissolve all your doubts)

  1. I do not have international rights

For many, this point is decisive. But if you have a Russian driving license, you will not be able to get the rights of an international model. To do this you can even without leaving home through the site of the State Service.

  1. I can get into an accident

In our practice, this is a very rare phenomenon, because according to statistics the number of accidents on the roads of Spain is ten times less than in Russia. But if such an accident suddenly happens, do not worry, the rental price includes car insurance, and our staff will help you with the registration of all documents. In Spain, polite, and obeying the rules, drivers)

  1. It is difficult to drive a car in another country

This is also not a valid judgment, yes, some SDA rules differ slightly from ours, but they are not harder and any driver can orient, the main thing is to learn the rules of traffic, parking, penalties and speed limits before the traffic starts, for example:

both drivers and passengers must be fastened on;

You can transport children only in a specially equipped armchair, which must correspond to their age, height and weight;

use a mobile phone while driving is strictly prohibited, this applies even to the handfree system. Use of the latter is possible only if there is a speakerphone, but in no case through the headphones;

It is forbidden to get behind the wheel of a car in a state of intoxication. The permissible rate is 0.5 ppm, if you are a driver with experience. If you drive no more than two years, then the rate is 0.3 ppm;

on many roads, speed cameras are used here. A policeman gets a picture of your violation long before you stop them;

drivers can use dipped lights only when driving through tunnels;

You can carry in cans here no more than 10 liters of gasoline; evacuators have an advantage during the movement.

Not so difficult, right?)

  1. I do not know the language

Our company employs Russian-speaking people) We will help you to choose a car, arrange an agreement and tell about all the rules of using a car for rent through our company, in case of difficulties, you can contact us by phone, we are always available.

  1. The rental price will be more than indicated on the site.

Yes, our pricing policy is lower than that of competitors, but this does not mean that we will increase the cost when booking. All prices on our website correspond to reality, even offered several discount options. The rental price of cars can only increase if you decide to use additional services (personal driver, child seat, navigator, etc.), but all this is negotiated with you before the conclusion of the contract! It prescribes all the conditions, so you do not have to worry about the security of our transaction)

We listed only the main points) On our site in the FAQ section ( you can find answers to more than 70 frequently asked questions.

But if you suddenly did not find the answer to your question or did not understand something, you can always ask us on the site or write to the vibER or VTSAPP for free)

+34 645 412 297 (Viber) +34 747 786 292 (WhatsApp)

  • 06.12.2018
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