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  • Railway station Railway station, Avenida de Salamanca, 1
  • Airport Airport ,03071 Aeropuerto de Alicante, Spain
  • Bus station Estacion de Autobuses de Alicante
  • Office Alicante Alicante
  • Railway station Valencia Nord
  • Bus station Estación de Autobuses de Valencia
  • Airport Carretera del Aeropuerto, s/n, 46940 Manises, Valencia
  • Benidorm Benidorm
  • Denia Denia
  • Calpe Calpe
  • Torrevieja Торревьеха
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How to travel productively?


Traveling around Spain by car opens many opportunities for tourists. The sunny country is rich in sights and unforgettable views, which means it will take time to explore the entire terrain. Walking though it is filled with romance, but does not give the opportunity to have time to enjoy the atmosphere of most cozy towns.

You can carry out the planned trip plan on your own or rented car. Fortunately, car rental in Spain – the procedure is simple. But first of all it is necessary to familiarize with some rules of traffic and renting a car.

Features of driving in Spain

  1. The first rule concerns speed. In settlements, the speed on the road should not exceed 60 km / h, on the motorways – 120 km / h, on other roads – 100 km / h. Special problems will not arise if you follow closely the road signs. In some cities or villages, standards change. It depends on the internal features. Sometimes there are restrictions up to 20-30 km / h.
  2. Each vehicle is equipped with an emergency stop sign and national identity. It is also necessary to have a retro-reflective vest, first-aid kit, spare wheel and fire extinguisher.
  3. Do not put children under 12 years in the front seat. All passengers are wearing seat belts.
  4. The left row on the road is used only for overtaking, it is prohibited to move on it. Overtake vehicles only on the left.
  5. Signaling to other drivers is not worth it, it’s not accepted by the rules.
  6. In rural areas, at night, one should be extremely cautious, since a small animal or livestock runs out onto the road, and lighting and marking are not available.
  7. There is a circular movement at the intersections. Whoever came first, he has the advantage.
  8. In case of parking, it is necessary to park the machine only in the designated places. They can be paid or free of charge. The main feature is parking the car on the streets. On even days, leave the vehicle on the side where the house numbers are also even and vice versa.
  9. On pedestrian crossings, it is always necessary to reduce the speed, because people are used to cross the road, not paying attention to passing vehicles.
  10. It is strictly forbidden to talk on the phone while driving. Penalty for such violation is set to 600 euros.

Car Rental Features

When there is no possibility to go on a trip on your own car, contact us. The car will cost from 35 euros together.

If there is a dream to drive a car of a certain brand, it is quite possible to choose and book it through our website.

Rent a car in Spain allows you to travel abroad, but only within the EU. In this case, you have to pay for additional insurance.

The most important document that must be available when booking a car is an international driving license. A potential driver must necessarily be over 21 years of age and have a driving experience of 1 year or more. In some companies, the rules are slightly stricter.

With a view to obtaining a deposit on a cash card, an amount of 500 euros is blocked. But this method does not work everywhere.

An important feature is that the car needs to be returned fully refueled. Fuel grade is negotiated in advance.

If these simple rules are followed, the trip will be as comfortable as possible and leave no negative impressions!

  • 05.12.2018
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