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  • Railway station Railway station, Avenida de Salamanca, 1
  • Airport Airport ,03071 Aeropuerto de Alicante, Spain
  • Bus station Estacion de Autobuses de Alicante
  • Office Alicante Alicante
  • Railway station Valencia Nord
  • Bus station Estación de Autobuses de Valencia
  • Airport Carretera del Aeropuerto, s/n, 46940 Manises, Valencia
  • Benidorm Benidorm
  • Denia Denia
  • Calpe Calpe
  • Torrevieja Торревьеха
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Car rental in Spain without collateral with our help: quickly and comfortably


Talk about Spain can be endless. Starting from natural landscapes, ending with the sights that conquer the hearts of tourists for ever. Spain is considered a museum in the open air. Cultural and historical monuments keep their history, and the inhabitants revere it without a trace, so tourists who come to this country can fully enjoy its beauties. For example, take the Prado Museum. He is in Madrid. This is a very famous and loved by many a subject of architectural art. It’s so big that you can not get around and see it in one day. This museum has its own funds, numbering about 7,000 paintings, a huge number of sculptures. Picturesque paintings from different countries are in it, works of English, French, German, Flemish, Italian artists and sculptors from the Renaissance are presented. Flemish masters were famous for their unsurpassed taste and love for art, creating magnificent works that can be found in this museum. His large number of paintings and sculptures, he owes Philip to the second, who ruled in the Roman Empire. About a huge number of museums in Spain you can talk endlessly. Lovers of the talented artist Pablo Picasso can visit the museum, named after him, who is in Barcelona. Jaime Sabartes, the true friend of the artist, founded this museum from the very beginning. The museum, he donated much of his personal collection of Pablo. Picasso himself transferred there in the 70 years of the 20th century about 900 of his paintings. All the art objects are exhibited in chronological order, which is very convenient during the visit, you can enjoy the development of the talent of the master to the fullest and see how he developed his talent during his life.

What can you see more?

Do you want to touch (in a literal sense) the history of creation and implementation (the process of which has not been completed so far) of the famous museum of genius architect Antonio Gaudi? Then you will go to the Sagrada Familia, which is located in Barcelona. In 1882, the foundation was laid, and the church until 2010 was built exclusively at the expense of the money of the parishioners. It’s almost 128 years! Gaudí in general was quite an extraordinary person, which can be understood from his projected buildings, of which there are enough in Spain. There are practically no straight lines in the construction. The master recreated a truly cosmic object with various geometric shapes. Inside the building there are many swirling columns in the form of heliokid. Stained glass windows are round or ellipsoidal. The towers that crown the structure are more than a hundred meters in height. Their twelve, symbolizing the holy apostles. The facade is decorated with three portals symbolizing three virtues: Faith, Mercy and Love. There are a lot of decorative elements from the life of saints and Christ that are not found in the temple, because Gaudi was a very religious person. This is truly a massive, ingenious, amazing work of art.

You can talk about this amazing country endlessly. Its beauty is boundless, the sea is azure and clean, architecture, carnivals attract thousands of tourists every year, a kitchen with dozens of tones of flavors and a bunch of varied dishes does not leave indifferent. Spain, as a whole world, combining a huge number of other cultures, traditions, gives pleasure to stay in it, so if you want to fully enjoy it, then without a trip by car you can not do. We offer you car rental in Spain without collateral from the economy segment to the premium class, for any prosperity and taste.

  • 06.12.2018
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