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  • Airport Airport ,03071 Aeropuerto de Alicante, Spain
  • Railway station Railway station, Avenida de Salamanca, 1
  • Bus station Estacion de Autobuses de Alicante
  • Office Alicante Alicante
  • Bus station Estación de Autobuses de Valencia
  • Airport Carretera del Aeropuerto, s/n, 46940 Manises, Valencia
  • Railway station Valencia Nord
  • Benidorm Benidorm
  • Denia Denia
  • Calpe Calpe
  • Torrevieja Торревьеха
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Car rental in Spain – frequently asked questions


Spain is a hot, resort country with a huge list of attractions and memorable places. Each tourist will want to get around as many tourist and cultural sites as possible, visit the beach, visit the vineyards and walk around the cities. To make it all, you need a car. However, not every tourist has the opportunity to travel on his own vehicle. Therefore, one of the first stages in planning and preparing for the long-awaited rest is the advance rental of cars in Spain.

Renting a car in an unfamiliar country is not an easy task and requires some knowledge. It is worth remembering about various features and nuances, otherwise there will be unforeseen complications that can severely spoil the rest.

What should I know?

First of all, the cost of the service. The average daily rent for C-class cars, which are equipped with a navigator and insured, is from 30 to 70 euros.

The second point is documents and a personal insurance policy. Car rental in Spain requires the tourist to have with him:

  • International driving license;
  • a credit card with a positive account.

Pretend in advance all the nuances, as some companies block a certain amount on your account – about 500 euros, as a pledge.

The driver’s age also plays a big role. You can rent a car from 21 or 23 years old. Important driver’s experience of the traveler – most European companies require 2 years of experience as a driver.

There are several insurances, they are all temporary and are provided to the client for the period of stay in the country. They partially or completely remove responsibly from the tourist on expenses, if it was proved that the fault is not the client.

The fuel issue is another feature that should be taken into account. Car rental in Spain means the return of the vehicle with a full tank. This is an obligatory condition of the contract. At the gas stations, 95 and 98 petrol are available, as well as diesel fuel. Renting a car with a diesel fuel system is more expensive, but if you plan to wind more than one hundred kilometers, it’s more profitable to take this car.

Be sure to read the rules of the road and traffic signs. For example, speed limits:

Location Limit, km/h
City 50
Country 90
Highway 100
Interstate 120

On autobahns there is a minimum threshold of 60 kilometers per hour, slower driving is prohibited. The main incentive is the size of fines. For excess of the speed limit, the amount of recovery will be 100-600 euros. Parking or a stop in the wrong place – 90-400 euros. So be careful and follow all the rules.

There are toll roads in the country. The price for use depends on the distance traveled. Advantage – payment is possible in cash and by bank card. If the machine is equipped with an automatic payment system, move on special lanes. Passage through the tunnels Cadi and Vallvidrera in the Barcelona province is also paid.

Finding free parking is not so easy. Within the city limits a limited number of parking spaces. Blue zone – paid parking. Underground parking is equipped with a placard with information on the availability of seats. Do not park near the sidewalk if there is a yellow line next to it – this is a violation.

If you do not know the language, use a phrase book, and also write out a few basic phrases yourself, which you will most often use. For example, “How to get there, then?” Or “Where is this?”. And if you decide to rent a car in Spain, with communication you will not have any difficulties, our managers are fluent in both Russian and Spanish. With your vacation will be comfortable.

  • 06.12.2018
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